Financial support from the university is specifically directed towards high academic achievers. The university offers various scholarships to students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programmes. These scholarships are awarded based on competition, in accordance with regulations. During the competition, particular attention is paid to the applicants' achievements in national and international academic progress over the past three years. Financial support is disbursed according to university-approved rules. The specific amount of financial support provided is governed by the aforementioned rules.
Scholarship programs for
IKTU students, financial support for contract students, and social support
for students are available.
Additionally, IKTU scholarships are offered.
Scholarships are available for full-time and master's students who demonstrate talent, based on the specific university's criteria and in adherence to Regulation N 136, dated 7 April 2011, of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These scholarships are intended to support students' educational and research endeavors. As per the regulations, 3rd and 4th year students must maintain an average progress percentage of "very good."
State special scholarship is awarded in accordance with Edict #175, issued on 24th February 2011 by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The eligibility criteria of applicants are approved by Edict of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As per the guidelines, the students of years 3 and 4 must maintain an average progress percentage of "very good" to be eligible for the scholarship. This scholarship is designated by legal entities and private individuals for full-time students who are enrolled in technical and professional colleges, as well as postgraduate students.
The government scholarship is awarded to full-time students, interns, master's and doctoral candidates, as well as residents studying in educational institutions. State scholarships are awarded to students, interns, and masters with grades of "good" or "very good" in their mid-term assessments, as well as to students transferred by state order. These scholarships are provided until the end of the semester.