Department for the Organization of Methodological Work
1. Organizes work on updating and program accreditation of existing OP, conducting post-monitoring procedures.
2. Organizes events for the development of new or innovative educational programs.
3. Organizes self-assessment of educational programs.
4. Submits an updated passport of the OP for registration in the Register, carries out corrective work on the comments and suggestions of the Registry experts.
5. Plans and supervises the holding of master classes, internal methodological seminars and trainings for the faculty's teaching staff in order to improve educational and methodological work;
6. Organizes work on the organization of open classes at faculties, quality control of teaching staff by monitoring the results of student surveys, conducts discussion and exchange of experience;
7. Through the analysis of educational and methodological complexes, syllabuses, the results of student questionnaires, open lessons, education develops a system of internal quality assurance of education;
8. Organizes the transfer of best practices in the field of education and science into the educational activities of the teaching staff;
9. Expands the implementation of the dual education system in cooperation with enterprises, schools, as well as in the field of preschool education;
10. Within its competence, prepares materials necessary for meetings of the Educational and Methodological Committee and the Senate of the University.
11. Compiles summary information on the implementation of educational and methodological work for the half-year and academic year on the basis of individual plans of the department, faculty and teaching staff, prepares information materials, reports;
12. Prepares documents and conducts correspondence with government agencies, organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and structural units of the University engaged in educational and methodological work;
13. Directs and controls the implementation of the relevant department in order to obtain an application for a license in new areas of training.
14. Prepares the basic curriculum for educational programs for approval by the educational and methodological Council of the University, ensures the placement of approved plans on the university's website
15. Organizes the preparation of work curricula for 1 (one) each year, in accordance with the basic curricula, is submitted for approval to the Academic and Methodological Committee of the University and ensures that the approved plans are posted on the university's website.
16. Implements new disciplines in three languages in the catalog of disciplines of the database " ", as well as the introduction of curricula;
17. Composition of the Elective catalog of modules (disciplines) according to educational programs;
18. Conducts an examination of the repeatability of the topics of graduate theses;
19. Develops internal regulatory documents related to educational and methodological work;
20. Summarizes and prepares information on the educational programs of the university based on the results of academic periods.
21. Checks the written evaluated works of students and teaching, methodological and scientific works of teaching staff for the presence of borrowed material.
22. Organizes the work of the Internal Quality Assurance System, the Commission for the Education of Students at faculties and the Commission for the Recognition of Learning Outcomes obtained by formal and non-formal education.