Our university is making significant progress day by day in becoming a preferred educational institution in Central Asia, especially in Kazakhstan. Our students who graduate by receiving language education at the Preparatory School have the opportunity to open new doors for themselves in different geographies with the advantages of knowing a foreign language. In our Preparatory School, we provide all kinds of support to our students by using all our facilities to ensure that our students receive education under the best conditions. The Preparatory School is in a different position compared to other faculties of our university. Because our students who come to the Preparatory School to receive education are usually separated from their families for the first time and start living in a different geography for the first time. For this reason, it is our primary duty to prepare our young people for life while providing them with a peaceful and safe environment.
Students who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey, no matter which department they are placed in, are required to study a one-year preparatory class and must be successful. Students who fail the preparatory class are dismissed from the University.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to be able to teach the languages at the highest level by improving the opportunities offered to students in language education, to rank first in the university success ranking, to quickly eliminate our infrastructure deficiencies, to contribute to our university to be a preferred educational institution in the region; to transform our academic staff into a young and dynamic structure that follows the age and renews itself, and to represent our country in Kazakhstan geography in the best way.
Our aim is to educate individuals who are respectful to social values, ethical, responsible, self-confident, creative, intelligent, thinking individuals and young people who represent our university in different geographies of the world with the education they receive.
Our Ethical Principles
Paying attention to goodwill and respect in human relations; ensuring that people avoid conflicts of interest; acting with the principles of universality, innovation and cooperation; taking responsibility and accountability; always conducting relations between individuals and units within the faculty within the framework of respect; acting with honesty, reliability, awareness of rights and responsibilities; avoiding all kinds of factors that may affect the career and reduce the productivity of employees; avoiding human discrimination (ethnicity, gender, religion, sect, country); respecting the culture, traditions and beliefs of students from different geographies; supporting the teaching process; working to increase the level of knowledge and performance of students.
The Preparatory School was established on 06.10.1997 with the decision 1/447 of Ahmet Yesevi University. Since its establishment, many students from Turkic communities, especially Kazakh and Turkish students, have been learning Turkish, Kazakh, Russian and English according to the course system. Students receive only language education in the Preparatory School for two semesters, autumn and spring semesters. Students studying at the Preparatory School are divided into groups and two languages are taught in each group. After completing their language education, students transfer to faculties and continue their branch education.
Preparatory School students are divided into 3 different groups during the academic year. The first group is Turkish Quota (TK) students: These students are citizens of Kazakhstan and have the right to study by receiving a scholarship from the Republic of Turkey. Students who are successful in language education at the end of the academic year receive a scholarship from Turkey for the duration of their education. The second group is Turkic World (Turkic World) students: These students come from various countries and Turkic Republics and study with the scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The quota for the Turkic World is 200 places. The third group is Turkey (TR) students; these students also study with the scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Library and Reading Room
Our library, which was established within the Institute, has been organised in the Preparatory School building in accordance with the study and reading environment. Our library responds to the education, training, research and general culture needs of researchers and students. Our library is getting richer day by day with the information resources purchased and donated. The reading room, which is intertwined with our library, is organised in such a way as to allow students who live in the dormitory to study. There are many reference books, various dictionaries, periodicals, newspapers and magazines in the library and reading room. Students can access the resources they need under the responsibility of the librarian. In addition to the Kentau Preparatory School Library, Prep School students can also use the library building on the main campus in Turkestan if needed.
Campus Life
One of the primary goals of our university is to ensure that our students spend their extracurricular time in a social and effective way, to organise sports and art activities and to ensure the participation of students in these activities. Such participation is a part of education and training, especially for Prep School students. Prep School students who receive language education both mingle with their friends from different nationalities in the activities they participate in and find the opportunity to further develop the language they have studied in the programmes organised.
Since our university is an international university, it hosts many students from different nationalities under the same roof. For this reason, our students have the opportunity to increase their cultural knowledge in areas such as games, dance and music of different nations.
Sports competitions, concerts, theatres, etc. are organised according to the abilities of the students. Such activities are usually carried out through student clubs or programmes organised for special occasions. The space, materials, tools and equipment needed for club and programme activities are provided by the means of our institution.
On the days determined by our university, excursions to historical and sacred places such as Ahmet Yesevî and Arslan Baba Tombs are organised for our students, and Nawruz Festival Festivities are also organised every year.
The sports festival is quite intense within the scope of our university, and a week full of excitement and fun is experienced with sports competitions between faculties.
Sports Services
There is a gymnasium on the ground floor of the Preparatory School building that our students can use during the day. The hall has gymnastics and fitness equipment as well as tennis tables. Behind the dormitory building, there are areas for our students to play volleyball, basketball and football.
Various sports competitions are organised within the scope of our university for our students to participate in sports activities. In addition to competitions such as football, basketball, volleyball, tug of war, running, table tennis; chess and intelligence and strategy games known as "nine kumalak" in Kazakhstan and "mangala" in Turkey are organised.
Health Services
On the ground floor of the Kentau Preparatory School student dormitory, there is an infirmary on the ground floor, where nurses work 24/7 to provide immediate intervention to the health problems of our students. The first treatment is given in the infirmary and if deemed necessary, students who are unwell are referred to the Faculty of Medicine Hospital of our university in Turkestan.
There is a dormitory in the faculty garden for our students studying at the Preparatory School. Students can reach the Preparatory School within 1-2 minutes on foot from the dormitory. The distance between the marketplace, which offers shopping opportunities for students, and the dormitory is about 4-5 minutes on foot. Since the city is not very big, students can reach the square and the city centre within Kentau on foot or by taxi in a short time.
The main campus is approximately 30 km from Kentau city centre. It is possible to reach Turkestan city by minibus or taxi.
Accommodation Service (Dormitory)
For our students studying at the Preparatory School, there is a 5-storey dormitory located in the same garden with the faculty in Kentau. Our dormitory provides accommodation for approximately 650 students. A small amount is requested from our students as a dormitory fee per year. The dormitory building is divided into two as girls and boys, and the dining hall, infirmary and television room serve for our students. Dormitory rooms are for 4 or 6 students, and the rooms have student beds, wardrobes, tables and chairs. There are kitchens on each floor of the dormitory and students can use these kitchens free of charge to cook their own meals if they wish.
There is a student canteen in the Kentau Preparatory School building and a cafeteria in the dormitory. Students can meet their daily food needs at very reasonable prices either in the faculty canteen or in the student cafeteria in the dormitory. In the canteen and cafeteria, both food is served and bakery products produced in the cafeteria's own bakery are sold. In addition, students can prepare their own meals in the kitchen on each floor of the dormitory and use the gas and electrical appliances free of charge.