

    Academic Department

    The main goals of the Department of Academic Affairs are:

    • The organization and management of the study process which is based on the credit system of learning.
    • Constant improving of the learning process, and also improving the quality of the educational services
    • Development and the unique approach to the process of learning
    • Further improving the effectiveness of the ranking system of controlling knowledge (current, intermediate (рубежный) and final control of knowledge)
    • The improving of the choosing disciplines system
    • Providing the newest scientific achievements, equipments, technological innovations to the learning process
    • Constant development of the entire educational programs in all types of study process
    • The preparation of high-qualified bachelors, masters and PhD, with a high competitiveness not only inside Kazakhstan but Worldwide in general
    • To provide the leading position of university by the provision of educational services among the universities of Kazakhstan and IKTU entry to  the World Educational System
    • The main activity of the Departments for Academic Affairs implements according to the main principles of Bologna reforms and develop the main advantages in credit educational system:
    • Providing Academic mobility, give the chance to choose disciplines, individual participation of each student in the formation of his/her curriculum.
    • The realization of Academic Programs flexibility, developing of different educational programs
    • The improvement in the competence approach in learning process, the workout of the study plans in all specializations of the university, their changes and update according to the requirements of providing the quality of study process in credit system and employees requests.
    • The full transparency of the learning process, entire save system of controlling knowledge.
    • The workout of the transfer credits system inside universities RK and with Foreign universities
    • The achievement in comparison, comparability and compatibility of diplomas and degrees, their recognition, and providing the international IKTU diplomas recognition.
    • The development of joint international educational programs, improving of the Bachelor-Masters-PhD preparation system.
    • The development of the distance learning process, with traditional forms.
    • The integration of science, education and innovations, improving of educational process with the new scientific and innovative achievements.
    • The workout of the newest conception in acceptance of freshmen students and new method of their employment.
    Bostanova Ardak Muratovna

    7 725 366 35 77 - 1085

    Bostanova Ardak Muratovna

    Department Director
    Nasuh GUMUS

    +7 725 336 36 36 - 1137

    Nasuh GUMUS

    Deputy director