- Coordination of the activities of the structural units of the university to ensure the educational process of credit technology;
- Development, implementation, implementation of the structural provisions of the work of the Department of the organization of the educational process related to the quality management system;
- Study of regulatory documents on credit technology coming from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Preparation and submission for approval of the academic calendar, control over its implementation;
- Preparation for approval of the calculation of working hours determined by the faculty, individual loads of teaching staff, calculation and staffing of total working hours for the university, control over compliance with the standards;
- Control over compliance with the standards of information on the staffing of teaching staff in educational programs of the direction of training of personnel at faculties;
- Control over the effective use and compliance of the University's capacity with sanitary standards of the classroom fund in educational buildings;
- Control over the preparation of lesson schedules and schedules of intermediate and final certification, control over compliance with the standards;
- Checking the implementation of the schedule of classes by teaching staff in accordance with the teaching load;
- Acceptance of semi-annual and annual reports on the implementation of the teaching load by faculty;
- Organization of final and intermediate certification;
- As a member of the Working Commission of the University, monitor the passage of exams in accordance with the rules;
- Conducting informational and explanatory work on standard changes in the preparation of exam materials in order to improve the quality of Education;
- Analysis of the results of intermediate and final control of students, making recommendations;
- Organization and conduct of surveys to determine the level of satisfaction of students with the organization of the educational process, the quality of teaching and assessment policies;