
    Privilege committee

    Privilege committee

    The issue of social protection of students and employees of IKTU is constantly under the direct supervision of university leaders.  In accordance with the" regulation on benefits for tuition fees for students admitted to the University on a paid basis", the discount for students studying in a paid Department was considered by the decision of the commission on the following types of financial support:

    • Up to 25% discount on excellent students;
    • Discount up to 25% for orphans who have lost their parents, students left without parental care;
    • Discount up to 25% for low-income recipients;
    • One of the parents, at least 3 years of work experience at the university, up to 25% discount;
    • Discount up to 25% for a student who is an employee or employee of the IKTU;
    • A discount of up to 100% for a student who has become a member of the national team of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who has won prizes at the Olympic Games, World, Asian and national championships.